Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween from Flux
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Brian doesn't Tweet here anymore.
Believe it or not, more podcasts are coming. In fact, I'm putting the finishing touches on THREE new editions. But I wanted to post this quick word about the Flux twitter account.
The FluxBooks account was started by my Esteemed Predecessor and, initially, he was the only one using it. Lately, I've been sharing tweeting duties with the good folks in our marketing and publicity departments. Unfortunately, with mulitple tweeters (tweeties?), it becomes difficult to tell who is saying what.
So, in the interest of making sure you know when you're getting info from me and when you're getting info from others, I will no longer be tweeting @fluxbooks. I've started my own account @EyeOnFlux. I'll be the only person using this new account so you'll know that (unless hackers steal my password and begin sending you news that you've won the British lottery) anything said there comes from me directly.
To recap: Brian, Flux's editor, is no longer tweeting @fluxbooks (but PLEASE continue to follow that account because they will tweet more frequently than I and will have TONS of interesting stuff to say) and will now be tweeting @EyeOnFlux. Both accounts (I imagine) will post updates as to when new podcasts are posted.
And, seriously, they're almost done. I mean it.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Something to fill the time
Today on Twitter, agent Chris Richman tweeted about a funny Onion story having to do with writing. This sent me tripping down memory lane, thinking about all the great Onion stories they've done concerning writers, litearture, and the sometimes painful collision of the two. So here's a small round-up of some of my faves. (Um, for those unfamiliar with the Onion, I'll just offer a small warning that they're not always PC, they often use blue language, but it's always done for humor. Still, those with tender dispositions might want to turn away now.)
Sci-Fi Writer Attributes Everything Mysterious To 'Quantum Flux'
My Novel Addresses Universal Themes Of Humanity And Has Fucking
Someday, I Will Copyedit The Great American Novel
Author Too Much Of A Pussy To Kill Off Characters
Heroic Computer Dies To Save World From Master's Thesis
Third-Person Limited Omniscient Narrator Blown Away By Surprise Ending
Maya Angelou Honored For Courage, Blackness
Scholars Discover 23 Blank Pages That May As Well Be Lost Samuel Beckett Play
Author To Use Water As Metaphor
Books Don't Take You Anywhere
Nation's Teens Disappointed By Banned Books
There Are So Many Experiences I Want To Write About Having Had
Area Woman Fulfills Dream Of Becoming Writer By Getting Job At Bookstore
Masters In Writing Fails To Create Master Of Writing
Author Wishes She Hadn't Blown Personal Tragedy On First Book
Self-Help Book Believes It Can Be A Bestseller Someday
Nation Afraid To Admit 9-Year-Old Disabled Poet Really Bad
Area Man Well-Versed In First Thirds Of Great Literature
My Short Fiction Will Restore America's Romantic Spirit
Monster At End Of Book Claims Life Of TV's Grover
It's Funny How What You're Saying Relates To My Novel
Novelist Thinks People Shrug 10 Times More Than They Actually Do
First-Time Novelist Constantly Asking Wife What It's Like To Be A Woman
Novelists Strike Fails To Affect Nation Whatsoever
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Eye on Flux: June 2009 Edition
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Follow the Tribe on Twitter:
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AAC (iPod friendly) version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes.)
MP3 version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes or Windows Media Player.)
Next month: More author inteviews! More burning questions answered! And another Flux author steps forward in a brave attempt to be the new reigning champion of 60 Seconds of Fame!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Eye on Flux: May 2009 edition
Interview: Jeremy Craig, author of THE STRAITS

We talk to Jeremy about his debut YA novel and its eerily prescient correlation to a recent article in the New York times. Jeremy also shares some of his favorite literary figures and discusses how his writing relates to his current status as film school graduate student.
For more information, check out Jeremy's web site:
Interview: Gillian Summers, author of THE SECRET OF THE DREAD FOREST

Berta Platas and Michelle Roper don the pseudonym of Gillian Summers to write the Faire Folk Trilogy, the concluding volume of which comes out in June. Berta and Michelle offer a preview of what's to come in the series, give their insight on working with a writing partner, and talk about their attraction to renaissance festivals.
For more information, check out Gillian's web site:
Flux Mailbag: I answer questions sent in by listeners relating to the types of books we do at Flux and whether or not I read every submission we receive.
Send your questions for the Flux Mailbag to questions at fluxnow dot com. Each month, I'll randomly select a few questions to answer and if yours appear on the podcast, I'll send you the Flux book of your choice!
60 Seconds of Fame: A.S. King, author of THE DUST OF 100 DOGS, joins us to launch

To download the podcast:
AAC (iPod friendly) version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes.)
MP3 version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes or Windows Media Player.)
Next month: We'll talk to Micol and David Ostow, the sister-brother writing team behind Flux's first hybrid graphic novel, SO PUNK ROCK (AND OTHER WAYS TO DISAPPOINT YOUR MOTHER) and our special guest will be Elizabeth Burns, librarian/blogger extraordinaire who will discuss her recent tenure on the Printz award committee.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Eye on Flux: April 2009 Edition
Interview: Susan Fine, author of INITIATION
We sat down for a talk with Susan Fine to discuss how her background as a teacher at a private school influenced the world she created in INITIATION.
Available on Amazon, Borders,, Powells, and Flux
Interview: Lucienne Diver, author of VAMPED

We chatted with Lucienne about her debut YA book and how her work as a writer informs the work she does as a literary agent.
For more information, check out Lucienne Diver's website.
Available on Amazon, Borders,, Powells, and Flux
Send us your questions! Ask us your Burning Questions about Flux, the world of publishing, our authors, etc. and if we answer your question on the podcast, we’ll send you the Flux book of your choice. Send questions to questions at fluxnow dot com.
To download the podcast:
AAC (iPod friendly) version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes.)
MP3 version: Right click here and select 'Save as.' (Clicking on the link will prompt the file to launch in iTunes or Windows Media Player.)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Eye on Flux
Yes, you’re in the right place.
Welcome to the new blog for EYE ON FLUX, our brand spanking new podcast. This change marks a new direction for the Flux Blog. Where in the past we were a repository for Flux news, interesting stories from the world of publishing, and the occasionally bizarre random musings of Flux’s acquiring editors (I include my Esteemed Predecessor on that), the launch of the podcast brings a new feel and tone for the blog.
This space will now be the “go to” source for everything having to do with the podcast. We’ll have a link whereby you can download it. You’ll be able to stream it directly from the site. We’ll have supplemental information on everything you hear in the podcast. And it’s all FREE!
And just so you still get your fix for all the latest Flux news, there’s always the OTHER Flux blog on our main Web site:, maintained by the always entertaining Tricia O’Reilly. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out what Tricia’s doing over there.
Here’s the skinny on what this podcast-thingy is all about:
- The podcast will occur monthly (for the foreseeable future).
- I (Brian) will be hosting the podcast (for those with an insatiable desire to learn what I sound like).
- We’ll highlight forthcoming books from our catalogs via author interviews.
- We’ll answer Listener Burning Questions and give free books away.
- We’ll have discussions about the world of young adult literature, we’ll have special guests, we’ll have fun.
- For the time being, EYE ON FLUX is ONLY available here. We anticipate having distribution on iTunes in the near future.
- Look for the first edition later this week.
Spread the word! Go forth my pretties! Make blog posts and send e-mails. Make sure that everyone has their eye on Flux!