Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Carrie Jones is busy

This is no surprise, of course. And of course she's also busy with interesting things. And since I'm busy and lazy, I'm simply cutting and pasting straight from her blog:

"Also, this week I'm posting at a craft blog of nine alum from Vermont College's MFA program. It's about dialogue and the first two posts are about class. I'll be talking to superstar agent Edward Necarsulmer, Editor Andrew Karre, authors Micol Ostow, Rita Williams-Garcia and Linda Urban.If you go over there and comment you will be entered into TWO contests:1. The first is mine and you will win two of my books and a secret surprise. The books are TIPS ON HAVING A GAY (ex) BOYFRIEND, and the newly released LOVE (AND OTHER USES FOR DUCT TAPE).2. The second is exclusive to the Thru the Tollbooth blog and you win a signed copy of one of Micol's great books."
Go forth.


Anonymous said...

Andrew! You didn't mention how brilliant you were when I interviewed you. Geesh.

A.S. King said...

Carrie - that was a great blog! Perfect timing for me!